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Boiler Services
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These 6 Little-Known Facts Will Answer All Your Boiler Questions

Published by Parisa Ostovari

These 6 Little-Known Facts Will Answer All Your Boiler Questions


Boiler FactsContemporary boiler systems have been installed in most new homes in the last two decades, but residents of Las Vegas, NV with older homes may still have questions about how they work and how effective they are when it comes to heating your home.

Many people also wonder how much money they can save by installing a new boiler and if the cost of the new boiler will be prohibitive. Here are six commonly asked questions about modern boilers that can help provide you with the facts about this efficient, green way of heating your home.

1 - Is it Called a Boiler Because It Boils Water?

Boiler Question

It is important to understand that your home may house different types of boilers. Boilers are often located beneath freestanding water heaters that may be located in a laundry room or bathroom.

The boiler that heats your home is usually located outside, in the back or the basement of your home and the water in this unit is rarely heated above 70 degrees.

However, water heaters fueled by natural gas might be heating water above the boiling point of 140 degrees.

2 - How Does A Boiler Work?

Working BoilerAll boilers work on the same basic principle, which is that heated water will expand and rise. A heat source inside of the boiler warms the water in pipes.

The heated water expands and pushes upwards through the pipes, radiating heat behind walls and also in exposed radiators.

When the water cools, it descends to be heated and recycled through your building again.

3 - Why Are Boilers Described As Energy Efficient?

Energy Efficient BoilerContemporary condenser boilers are described as energy efficient because they only require a small amount of natural gas to heat them up.

Furthermore, newer boilers do not lose their heated air through vents or fumes. All of the heat is contained in pipes that often retain their heat for hours.

4 - Do Boiler Systems Also Humidify The Air?

HumidityThe misconception that boiler heating symptoms heat the air comes from the image of hissing spitting radiators and pots of water boiling on the stove. All of the water used is contained in pipes, so the air retains the humidex already in the building.

Some units come with thermostats that can also help regulate the humidity in the air, but this has nothing to do with the fact that you are using heated water to raise the temperature in your home.

Water Pressure5 - Do Boilers Fail If You Have Low Water Pressure?

If your home has low water pressure, your new condenser boiler will not operate optimally. An inspection of your plumbing by an HVAC professional can help reveal whether or not you need to have pipes widened to improve your water pressure.

Many people who own older homes opt to install a new boiler and new pipes to get all of the renovations over with at the same time.

6 - What Kind of Percentage Reduction Can I Expect In Energy Costs?

Save MoneyMost homeowners see a reduction on their heating bill of at least 30% when they get their first fuel bill after installing a new boiler. Over the course of the year, they might see savings of over 90%, especially if they keep their thermostat low.

People who have switched from an oil-heated boiler to one heated with natural gas will experience truly dramatic drops in their fuel costs. It is important to keep an open mind when you consult an HVAC expert about installing a new boiler.

Depending on your situation, the new boiler could cost between three thousand and seven thousand dollars. However, keep in mind that the savings of up to 90% will have the furnace paying for itself in a very short time.

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