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Understanding Your Home's Heating System

Published by Parisa Ostovari

The Purpose of Auxiliary Heat


Las Vegas HeatingWith any heating or cooling system there are any number of different issues and technologies that you need to understand. One common item that comes with any standard heating or cooling system is auxiliary heat. This is an easier concept to understand than you might imagine. In most cases, when a heating system is turned on and the thermostat is set to a certain temperature, the heating and cooling system kicks into effect.

What Does Auxiliary Heat Do?

When the ambient temperature of the room falls two or three degrees below the temperature that is set on the thermostat, the heat pump will turn on the auxiliary heat. This means that the auxiliary, or extra heat is used to help keep the temperature of the room constant. With most heat pumps, the main heat will bring the room up to the desired temperature or in other words will handle large temperature changes. The auxiliary heat is in place to make sure that temperature stays constant and to take care of small changes in temperature. This means that both the heat pump and auxiliary heat have their own jobs to do.

Constant Temperatures

Auxiliary HeatThis type of heating is important for two reasons, first it helps keep the temperature of your rooms and home from changing drastically over the course of the day. This means you will be comfortable all day in your home just as long as your auxiliary heat is running and you have your thermostat set. Your auxiliary heat will keep your temperature constant through the course of the day and make sure that your room never drops below a couple of degrees of what you have it set for.

Helps Preserve the Heat Pump

Secondly, this keeps the heat pump from working constantly. This means that your heating and cooling bill is going to be lower and that your heat pump is going to work for longer than if it ran constantly. Much like letting your body rest when it is tired, letting the auxiliary heat take over allows your heat pump time to rest and time to conserve energy. The heat pump takes far more energy to run while the auxiliary heat is essentially just forced air over heated coils which take far less energy. Using auxiliary heat means your heat pump is going to last longer which is very helpful as heat pumps are somewhat expensive to replace and work on in general.

If your home is in need of heating services, call Anytime Plumbing, Inc at (702) 362-9300 for the best services in the Las Vegas area.

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