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What are signs that my AC needs a tuneup?

Published by Parisa Ostovari

Signs that your HVAC needs a tune-up


AC Tune-UpIt is common knowledge that a regular maintenance of the heating and cooling system will leave the systems operating at optimal levels. The other benefit of tuning-up the HVAC equipment includes; reducing expensive repair and utility bills. Tuning-up is also recommended by most equipment manufacturers, more importantly if you want to maintain the equipment warranty. The HVAC system is designed using a number of mechanical systems that include; thermodynamics, heat conveyance, and fluid mechanics.

To decipher whether your HVAC system requires repair or tune-up is not a very daunting task. Before undertaking a tune-up procedure for your HVAC equipment; a number of signs ranging from the state of the burner to the levels of carbon dioxide emission require close scrutiny. More importantly, the air conditioner requires regular tune-up, to allow it to last longer. Some of the pertinent signs that your AC needs a tune up include:

1. Check if the air coming out is diminished, if this is the case, it means the filters could be clogged.

2. Check if the air emitted air is cooling your home.

3. Operation cost goes-up; if your power bills are up all-over sudden, the most likely culprit could be the HVCA system.

4. An audible cranking or banging sound during system startup.

5. Too much dirt in the air-conditioner.

6. Moisture build up on the air-conditioner is a sign that the system is not functioning properly.

7. Check the maintenance dates, if the last tune-up was performed more than 1-year ago. It is perhaps that time again to perform another tune-up; this will help curtail the overall maintenance cost that comes with delayed maintenance.

8. Check if there is no air coming out of the air conditioner as this could mean that the filters are totally clogged. This condition could also mean that the fan has malfunctioned.

The importance of HVAC maintenance cannot be gain said; because of the repercussions it has on both cost and efficiency levels. The problem could be as minor as overheating of motors to lack of refrigerants and dirty coils. Most of these signs, however, could take as much as one year before being noticed.

Is your home in need of an AC tune-up? Call Anytime Plumbing, Inc today at (702) 362-9300 for the best services in Las Vegas!

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