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Air Quality
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Spring Cleaning For Your Air Quality

Published by Parisa Ostovari

Spring Cleaning For Your Air Quality

When you stop and think about it, Spring Cleaning is a pretty fascinating phenomenon. For some reason, when the calendar turns over to Spring, there is a belief that we must undergo a cleaning.

Not any other season or any other time of year sees the same cleaning phenomenon. In fact, Spring Cleaning feels like an obligation that we can’t avoid - or at least don’t want to admit that we skipped.

After all, some people go nuts with Spring Cleaning, truly scrubbing and scouring every surface of their house. Whether or not you are a believer in the annual cleaning, there a few necessary items that you shouldn’t forget, especially when it comes to your indoor air quality.

Add Air Quality to Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

cleanairThere is a good chance that your Spring Cleaning checklist is pretty long. From cleaning all the countertops and bathrooms to scrubbing those hard to reach and rarely cleaned places, the amount of work that goes into the ritual can be exhausting.

That’s why many homeowners would be hesitant to add more to their list. However rewarding it can be to see those shiny surfaces, air quality should be a part of Spring Cleaning.

Even though you can’t see the results, improving your air quality can show you immediate benefits, including lower monthly bills and overall wellbeing improvement.

Is Your Indoor Air Quality Actually Good?

qualityMost people just assume that the indoor air quality of their house is good. After all, the house is supposed to be our sanctuary from the outside world. However, do you actually know that your air quality is high in your house?

Especially if you haven’t been on top of your HVAC maintenance, there is a decent possibility that your indoor air has dust, pollen and other allergen contaminants in the air.

One of the biggest ways that you can generally tell is how you are feeling. Many people attribute the feeling of allergies or a lingering cold or cough to the changing of the seasons but this is actually a primary indicator of allergens in your indoor air. If you have questions about your indoor air quality, an expert at LenAire, Inc. would be happy to assist.

A Simple Spring Tune-Up Can Keep These Running Smoothly

tuneupIt doesn’t take a long or expensive project to keep your HVAC system running effectively and efficiently. In fact, bi-annual AC maintenance is the best way to make sure your system functions the way you expect it, keeping your energy bills low and your air clean.

It makes sense to schedule these tune-ups for Spring, as the weather is warming up, and again in the Fall, as it starts to get cold again. This tune-up can be a part of Spring Cleaning that isn’t a lot of hard work on you but gives you big results.

While important, HVAC maintenance isn’t the only way you can improve your indoor air quality. Especially with the warmer weather in front of us, another good idea would be to check your regular electric fans. The blades can accumulate a substantial amount of dust that gets blown around your house.

Cleaning these blades can also help improve your indoor air quality. On the other hand, if you need to schedule your HVAC maintenance, call Anytime Plumbing, Inc at (702) 362-9300 and we’ll be happy to help.

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