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Anytime Plumbing, LLC
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Stop the Flu in its Tracks This Season

Published by Parisa Ostovari

How To Keep Airborne Viruses Under Control In Your Home During Flu Season

Autumn brings with it the promise of family gatherings, relaxing in front of cozy fireplaces, and enjoying the crisp Fall air. It also means the start of flu season. Frequent hand washing and getting a flu shot are great ways to reduce your risk of getting the flu, but did you know that the air in your home can actually increase the chance you'll catch it? Read on to find out why a quick call to a local Las Vegas HVAC specialist can give you an added layer of protection during flu season.

Las Vegas, NV Air Filtration ServicesGet Your Duct Work Cleaned

Viruses don't play nice. They spread to anyone, anytime, anywhere -- and their mode of transportation may just be your duct work. Getting it cleaned is an easy way to not only eliminate any lingering viruses but to remove any potential breeding ground for them as well. Your HVAC professional can perform a thorough cleaning and inspection of your duct work to ensure that it doesn't provide free travel to sneaky viruses.

Get A Better Air Filter

Now that you've got squeaky clean duct work, it's time to keep it that way. Most air filters trap large particles like household dust and debris, but to keep out micro-particles (like the flu and common cold viruses) you need a filter that can trap even the smallest contaminants. An HVAC technician can determine what type of filter is best for your home and then install it correctly so you can breathe easy knowing your air is clean.

Get Some Rays

UV rays, that is. In addition to giving you a golden tan, UV light is known to be naturally antimicrobial. It penetrates a virus' outer shell and damages its sensitive DNA in order to prevent it from replicating. Specialized UV lights designed for HVAC systems are available from your HVAC professional and can be installed to give your system a line of defense against viruses that may have gotten past your air filter.

Although Autumn and flu season share space on the calendar, your Las Vegas home doesn't have to share it with them, too. With proper maintenance and planning by your HVAC professional, you can enjoy giving thanks with family and friends without worrying that you also gave them a parting gift of the viral kind.

Keep your Las Vegas, NV home free from germs of the flu season. Call Anytime Plumbing, Inc today at 702-362-9300, to get tips on how to keep your home flu free.

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