Understanding Where Your Plumbing Waste Goes
Plumbing is not often at the top of many homeowners minds - particularly sewage and how it’s processed. However, understanding your sewer system is the best way to prevent finding out the hard way.
Whether you know it or not, your sewer lines are always working, so coming home to a yard filled with sewage is the worst way to discover your septic tank needs some work.
Read on to learn more about your home’s plumbing system and be better prepared to handle the most unsanitary parts of your plumbing system.
Your Septic Tank And You
If you live in a rural area, or at least an area too far from your water treatment plant, you’ll have a septic tank. These large tanks are buried underground and have an entire system dedicated to processing and disposing of the wastewater from your home.
So how do they work? Anytime you flush a toilet or run water through your plumbing, it makes its way to your septic tank. Inside your tank solids are separated from the water and find their way to the bottom, where they’re either broken down over time or pumped out during the cleaning process.
Any water that is semi-usable is then pumped out into the leach field, where it’s processed through the soil, making it a good addition to your landscaping and property. If there’s ever a slow drain in your home or some foul odors coming up from your plumbing, your septic tank most likely needs to be pumped, or you need a sewer cleaning to help remove any blockages or impurities from your plumbing.
Septic Tanks vs. Traditional Sewer Systems
Unlike septic tank systems that process everything on-site, traditional sewer systems use plumbing lines to remove waste from your home and transported it into a water treatment facility.
Here the water is processed and eventually pumped back into your home as clean and usable water. While these systems are much less dependent on regular service, they still need to be monitored to prevent issues.
Always be on the lookout for poor water pressure, standing water, or foul odors, which can all be a sign that you have a sewer line issue. These problems can easily be fixed with a drain cleaning, which removes any and all blockages from your plumbing and drains.
How Waste Disposal Works
Wastewater is processed in one of three ways - cesspool pumping, water treatment facilities, or gravity drains. Each system works to remove waste from your home, and each has its own pros and cons.
- Cesspools: Traditional in septic tank systems, a cesspool is where solids and grime reside after they’ve been separated from wastewater. While these can sometimes be broken down over time and with chemicals, in most cases they’re pumped out and disposed of by a professional company.
- Water Treatment Facilities: For homes with traditional sewer systems, this is the plant where all your sewage goes for processing. Waste is broken down and disposed of, with water eventually making its way back to your home.
- Gravity Drains: Also used in septic tank systems, gravity drains basically process and pump water down - using gravity - to dispose of waste. Often the water is cleaned by processing through the soil and eventually makes it’s way back into lakes.
Each plumbing system works to help remove wastewater from your home - but they all require the help of plumbing companies. For homeowners in and around in and around Las Vegas, Anytime Plumbing, Inc is here to help. With expert sewer and drain cleaning services, they can keep your wastewater flowing the right way - away from your home. And in the event of an emergency, they’ll also be there to help.