Air Filter Replacement
All homeowners and property owners young or senior need to plan for the ravages of the winter season and the cold weather that hits us every year. Consumers need to contact their licensed and skilled heating company to check and perform a maintenance work-up on all furnaces. Our company's desire is that everyone, no matter what age stay healthy and warm this coming winter season.
Hypothermia Hits Occupants First
The first thing that is going to affect an occupied during the winter in the cold months is hypothermia, where there is no heat in the home. People who realize some of the above illnesses and cold or the flu have a harder time keeping warm when they are already ill.
People dial down the temperature of the home to save money, but these temperatures may not be enough to keep ill occupants safe. When a furnace is not working, do not rely solely on space heaters as these can also cause health risks such as fire hazards and or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Health Risks During the Winter
It is the goal of our company to make sure all consumers is aware a variety of health issues stemming from a furnace that is not working.
These health issues can escalate quickly making minor issues quickly become serious issues when a furnace is not working or is not heating to its fullest. Illnesses such as increased pain and inflammation of those with arthritis that are living in a cold home are real. Consumers with health issues such as Parkinson's, stroke victims and person's with dementia are at risk for increasing in intensity. A cold home puts it occupants at risk for injury due to hypothermia and falls.
People who reside in a cold home and have chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroid and more have an impairment of their circulatory system and internal temperature levels. People with impaired circulatory systems are hardest hit by cold and hot temperatures. People like this realize impairment in the blood flow to all parts of the body. It is essential to keep the furnaces in working order so that the furnace heats the home without problem or concern.
Does your Las Vegas home need urgent air filter replacement? Dial (702) 362-9300 now to contact Anytime Plumbing, Inc top notch services.