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SEER Rating 101

Published by Parisa Ostovari

What Does the SEER Rating on Your AC Unit Mean? 


Las Vegas Air ConditioningPurchasing a new HVAC unit is an exercise in balancing price and efficiency. Your unit must be as efficient as possible, and that unit must be the right price for your family budget.

You can learn about the SEER rating for HVAC units in this article, and the suggestions below explain how to use that rating to make wise decisions while shopping.

What Is The SEER Rating?

The SEER rating is the ratio of cooling you get from the unit versus the energy that is used. A unit with high rating uses far too much energy to offer you the cooling that you get. You must look for units with SEER ratings that are very low. You want to get efficient cooling from your air conditioner with a small expenditure of energy.

How Does This Rating Affect Your Energy Consumption?

The SEER rating tells you exactly how much energy you will use when you install the new unit. A unit with a poor SEER rating is going to use far more energy than you can afford, and it will not provide a great cooling experience for the money. You must look for something that will provide energy efficiency at your price level.

Why Is It Important?

You want a salesman to talk to you about the SEER rating on every unit they show you. You may not be able to get a low SEER rating in your price range, but you can get the lowest rating that is available. Take your budget to a salesperson when you go shopping.Las Vegas HVAC

Ask to see all the units that fall within your price range, and compare those ratings to the more expensive units that you see. You may find that you are not far off from the best units.
The SEER rating on your new HVAC unit tells you how energy efficient the unit is, and you must read these ratings as you shop.

You can save a good bit of money with this shopping plan, but you must ask for assistance from a salesman to compare the units that you are most interested in.

Go green with energy and money saving HVAC units. Call the experts of Anytime Plumbing, Inc at 702-362-9300 to make your Las Vegas area home more efficient today.

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