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Anytime Plumbing, LLC
Air Conditioning Heating
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Discover These Monthly HVAC Maintenance Tips to Save

Published by Parisa Ostovari

As every homeowner knows, running your household can be very expensive. So when you can identify areas in which you can save, it is a huge bonus.

In your home, chances are your energy bills are a huge cost center. By taking on a few simple tasks every month, specifically with your HVAC unit, you can reduce those energy bills substantially.

Curious on how to get started? Here is a good to-do list:

Change Your Air Filter

As far as DIY jobs go, this one is pretty easy. It’s recommended that you change your air filter once a month, although you can sometimes extend the filter’s life by cleaning it with a damp sponge.

Don’t just buy any old air filter. If the name of the game is saving money, you need a filter for your HVAC that has the ac-filterhighest MERV rating possible.

What’s a MERV rating? It stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value.

The highest MERV values indicate the highest level of energy efficiency. It’s about how many particles and contaminants are able to pass through the filter.

This is important not just to save money, but also to have the best possible air quality for your family.

These filters can be more expensive to purchase, but their support to operational efficiency means that you’ll recoup the money in your energy bill savings.

Have You Recently Had a Tune-Up?

tune-upWhen is the last time you scheduled maintenance on your HVAC? This is an important part of your strategy in reducing your energy bills.

While you generally only need full maintenance once a year, people tend to put it off.

Make a point of scheduling it this month, especially if you are serious about reducing your energy bills.

The technician will clean and inspect all the parts and get your system running in the best shape possible in advance of the steamy Las Vegas summer.

When your HVAC unit is properly maintained, you also have peace of mind that it won’t conk out on you when the temps are soaring.

Clean Debris

clean-outdoor-acYour comfort system has an outdoor component: the condenser. Take some time to clear it from debris to make sure that it is working well.

Start by removing the cage fan on top and vacuuming out the inside of the unit (where leaves and grass like to hide).

Wipe down the fins on the unit’s exterior and then rinse out with a hose. Make sure that the fins all face outwards, so as not to impede air flow.

Also, make sure that the unit is level. If the ground has settled, it may shift. Use concrete slabs or gravel to even it out.

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