How Your Superhero Plumbers are Bringing Clean Water for All
What do superheroes do? They save your life. While you may think of your plumber as your trusted neighborhood professional, who can come to your aid in the event of a plumbing leak, clog or burst pipe.
But did you know that your plumbing plays a major role in protecting your family’s health? You need good plumbing, a good plumber, and a water filtering system to prevent your drinking and cooking water from becoming contaminated.
How Plumbing Problems can Harm Your Health
Most often water gets contaminated at the source because of toxins in the soil, environmental factors or pollution. However, if you’ve got faulty plumbing or if your pipes are built of toxic material, there is a good chance that your water is at risk of being contaminated as it gets delivered to your home.
If your home is more than a few decades old and you’ve not upgraded the pipes, there is a good chance that they contain lead. Lead will leach into your drinking water as it moves through the pipes. It is even worse if water is warm, or if water is standing for a while in the pipes.
To remedy this problem, upgrade your pipes to PVC. Not only will they be more durable, but you also remove the risk of lead contamination from your pipes.
Broken pipes can also cause backflow, which means that wastewater may come in contact with your drinking water, potentially making you sick. If you aren’t sure, don’t hesitate to have your Las Vegas, NV plumber take a look.
The Health Issues to Consider
Bacteria, viruses, and pollutants can all be present in tainted water. What’s frightening is that many times you won’t be alerted to these toxins, which can be colorless, tasteless and odorless.
If you consume these toxins, even in low levels, over a period of time, you are in danger of developing chronic illnesses. Other more serious, sometimes life-threatening illnesses originated in contaminated water as well. It’s nothing to take lightly.
Your Plumber: A Water Conservation Superhero
The planet also needs a superhero to protect its water reserves, which is where your plumber comes in. Your plumber will fix any plumbing leaks straight away.
Even if a leak looks tiny, you’d be surprised at how much water gets wasted in a short amount of time. Ask your plumber about the possibility of upgrading your plumbing fixtures so that you can cut back on your water use at home.
A dual flush toilet lets you control how much water you need to flush; a low flow shower uses a fraction of the water but still builds up a good lather.